Happy New Year's Eve

For the last few years Galileo and I have celebrated New Years in Madulain, a charming village near St. Moritz. We have rung in the new year in a variety ways during this time, from 30-person dinner parties at St. Mortiz's best restaurant, Chesa Veglia; to grand fetes at the Palace; to cozy dinners at the homes of dear friends. This year we have decided to shake things up a little. We are taking a horse-driven carriage up to Val Fex, a gorgeous valley located at an altitude of 6,560 feet above sea level, where we will have dinner and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. This is our attire for the evening, lots of warm clothes and tons of bubbly. The ride takes about 50 minutes and the temperature will be approximately 14 degrees. Intense right? But totally worth it, as it is so numbingly beautiful. Happy New Year!

Hi everyone, I just wanted to add a little something to this post. I was running so late yesterday, that I wasn't able to share my inspiration for celebrating New Years in Val Fex. (which by the way was super amazing). The first time I experienced the carriage ride to this enchanted place was last March with my dear friend Saidah. It was one of the most romantic evenings of both of our lives. The sky was clearer than clear and full of stars. Since there had been a lot of snowfall in the region, the snow on the path was plowed higher than the carriage itself. So basically, all you saw was white, the clear sky, and the stars. I kid you not, It felt like what I imagine it would feel like being on the milky way. It was a vision and a sensation that touched me at my core, and to which, I was left speechless. The only problem was that I was with a friend and not my very significant other. Yes, it's nice to experience these things with good friends, but this was too much. We joked about hooking up, just on principle. But if we didn't hook up during our cosmopolitan-fueled nights back in NY, when it was perfectly fine to kiss your girlfriends (you know the "hey we were drunk, we were just playing around" moment), then our chance had passed. So, I declared that night to repeat the experience with my very dear husband. And you know something, the experience was exactly what I expected, and more.

Outfit details: Parka by Mr. & Mrs. Fur; sequins t-shirt by Gryphon; stirrup pants by Postcard; black combat boots by Prada. The Miu Miu peep-toe sandals are my favorite sandals. I got them at the year-end sale last year. The price was so good that I also got them in purple. They really do look amazing with everything.