Upon seeing Hyoeun, the following string of words sailed through my mind: feminine, polished, poised. Then I inhaled as I took in her style. I always inhale deeply when I see something that I like. For me it has the same effect as closing your eyes to remember a certain image. In a way, I think that inhaling allows me to completely take in the moment so that it has a total sensory impact when I mentally play back the scene. Then I assign a theme to the moment and the image. In fact, I often choose a theme or theme song for myself when I get dressed. I personally think this little exercise adds a certain punch to my step. Plus, it's fun.
When I play back Hyoeun's moment, I see a beautiful woman gently swaying back and forth in her Vanessa Bruno bell sleeve coat, familiar and beloved black opaque tights, and sleek Carvela shoes--a brand that I have come to love over the past year. Whatever her personal theme music, I'm sure it's classic smooth.
When I play back Hyoeun's moment, I see a beautiful woman gently swaying back and forth in her Vanessa Bruno bell sleeve coat, familiar and beloved black opaque tights, and sleek Carvela shoes--a brand that I have come to love over the past year. Whatever her personal theme music, I'm sure it's classic smooth.