Here you go. Here are the three other looks that I mentioned the other day. I must add that, just today, I saw two more girls in similar styles. I have to say that the look seems so fresh, probably because it is a leggy departure from the drop crotch pants and leggings of last spring. Is it just me? What do you think?

Here Jihye dresses up her Dr. Martens with a blazer from Top Shop and a skirt by a Korean designer.

Jennifer takes Boho steps in a pair of vintage derby boots that she found on the Lower East Side in New York; a denim jacket found at market in Washington D.C. ; a Top Shop t-shirt; a vintage skirt; a bag she picked up at Zara five years ago; and necklaces found at Porta Romana market stand here in Milan. Talk about global shopping!

Mariana's look is young and playful. I love her tussled ponytail. Dr. Martens are a "must" for her, she says that she can't live with out them. Here she complements her favorite footwear with a vintage leather skirt, Zara cardigan, and Top Shop t-shirt.