O.k., for as long as I can remember (and I must confess that my memory has been somewhat compromised since giving birth), I thought that the first day of Summer was June 21st- it is in the U.S.. So on June 1st when I heard an announcement on the radio referring to the beginning of the season, I just tuned out the program like I sometimes do when something doesn't make sense (I know, not very productive). Then this past weekend I was talking to an Italian friend and she wished me happy Summer. I responded, "look Summer doesn't begin until June 21st." And she made the distinction, "June 21st is actually the longest day of the year and June 1st is the first day of Summer." Well I wasn't going to argue with a good friend- when in Rome...or Milan. So with this fun pic of Francesca, I wish you Happy Summer! Don't you think her outfit is beyond perfect for breezy, summer days? And how brilliant is her smile? It screams, "thank god summer is here!" And thank god it has arrived early here in Italy!