Anya Ziourova | My Kind of Tomboy


Anya looks gorgeous in anything she wears. I love her in this beautiful Celine button-down and these grey jeans. Her shoes are amazing! Lots of inspiration here for the tomboy in us all!

But wait a minute. Doesn't her look actually make you think "tomboy grown up?" Like, it's essentially what we wore when we were teenagers. But, the jeans are definitely much tighter and the sandals too high and dainty, a fashion situation which we would have scoffed at for being too feminine. However, now that we are all grown up and have become fully acquainted with the benefits of being women, body con jeans (skinny) and killer heels have a different, very sweet-not rotten ring. No? Don't you agree? In fact, I like the sound of "sexy tomboy" personally. I like it a lot. Today at age 35, sexy tomboy is the only tomboy that I want to be.

Have a lovely weekend. Lots of kisses with a punch.